Through movement, we remember our essence...
Wise. Wild. Free.
This class is held every month, during the full moon.
Look into events to see when the next one will be!
April 7, 2019
6:30-8:00PM, Island Yoga, Alameda
In Qoya, we remember that as women, our essence is wise, wild and free!
If you know me personally, you already know how much I LOVE to dance! And not like the structured kind of way (even though that is also beautiful) -- but more of moving my body freely.. whatever it wants to do, wherever it wants to go.
Letting my body lead instead of overthinking it! This is truly something that I want to share more and give access to with other people.
I've recently undergone through the initiation to be a Qoya teacher, and as I'm about to start teaching 11 practice classes, I am so ecstatic to share this gift with my sisters!
The only thing you need to do here is to be as raw and open as you can.
Under the new moon in Aries...
Join us as we move through the wisdom of YOGA, the creative expression in DANCE and the freedom to feel pleasure in the body through FEMININE MOVEMENT.
We will pick an oracle card, set an intention, and dance our heart out to let go of everything that does not serve us!
Goddesses, come and connect with your true highest Self. ♡
Class is FREE, but donations will be welcomed.
This class is for anyone who identify as a woman.
No prior yoga or dance experience is required.
Contact me if you have any inquiries or questions.
For more details, visit qoya.love